Seatsurfing 1.5 enables self-hosted Docker instances
We’re happy to announce the availability of Seatsurfing 1.5. The new version marks a big change in Seatsurfing’s operating model: Seatsurfing’s Backend is now available on Docker Hub and thus allows you to host your Seatsurfing instance on-premises and free of charge. At the same time we’ve removed the Cloud hosting option (for now). We decided to go this way as we think it’s easier for most European organization to comply with the data protection regulations when going on-premises. However, we’ll consider bringing back Seatsurfing as a Cloud-hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) at a later time.
For more information, please refer to the documentation. We’ve updated it in order to represent necessary instructions on how to get your Docker container up and running quickly.
Please also note that Seatsurfing’s App for iPhone and iPad got a new home at the App Store. You should therefore uninstall your existing Seatsurfing App and get the new version from the App Store. The app for Google Android remains at its known place.