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12 posts tagged with "release"

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Seatsurfing 1.5 enables self-hosted Docker instances

· One min read
Seatsurfing Developer

We’re happy to announce the availability of Seatsurfing 1.5. The new version marks a big change in Seatsurfing’s operating model: Seatsurfing’s Backend is now available on Docker Hub and thus allows you to host your Seatsurfing instance on-premises and free of charge. At the same time we’ve removed the Cloud hosting option (for now). We decided to go this way as we think it’s easier for most European organization to comply with the data protection regulations when going on-premises. However, we’ll consider bringing back Seatsurfing as a Cloud-hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) at a later time.

Daily basis booking and bookers’ names in Seatsurfing 1.2

· One min read
Seatsurfing Developer

Today we’ve released version 1.2.0 of the Seatsurfing App. This new version includes two new requested features we’re happy to depict here.

The first feature is daily basis booking. We want to make it easier for the employees of some organizations to book their seats. If you want to keep seat booking really easy, you can activate the daily basis booking functionality in the administration interface. When activated, users using the App or the Booking Web Interface just need to pick a desired date and do not need to provide a time range. The selected space is then booked for one or multiple entire days.